Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ink stamp_coyfish

I found this in my room, it was one of my stamps I created and inked. I really liked this one, it took me a while to carve, but I actually didn't mind it. Its different than what I was used to at the time, but I took a liking to it. And I think I did a pretty good job for my first time using the median.

Georgia O'Keeffe recreation

This was a project (about a year ago) where I had to recreate a painting from an artist. I, of course, did Georgia O'Keeffe. Mine is on the Left. I Love it..and I think I did a pretty good job, it surprized me.

Another still life

I had done this still life almost 2 years ago. And now that I see it again, I see the proportions are off and the depth in the painting is not completed. But this was before I really understood these concepts. And now that I think about it, I grew greatly from here on out. Hopefully.....

More of a Commentary

This, believe it or not, I actually drew in a car on the way to Estes Park! Which probably explains the simple lines and the "off-ness" of the whole drawing. However, I was just having fun. I drew a woman holding a burning tree representing the negative environmental impact humans have on the earth and then I drew a man with his arms around the woman holding an atomic bomb, representing the negative weaponry destruction humans have on the earth. Around them I represented natural disasters, starvation, domestic violence, endangered species, war and death. I didn't have any references to draw from, so I mainly did this from memory AND on the road. I had lots of fun with this though despite the subject.

Old painting

I did this last year. I never had time to finish this. I think I might finish it soon. It would definatley look better.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Charcoal Erasing

I got this idea since I saw one of the ajoining art classes doing this project. I thought it looked fun since it was a real mess. I started by covering the cotten rag with charcoal powder and got it to a very dark shade. then started erasing away!..and wala!...I decided to do an animal since I used to always draw animals and noticed that I hadn't made one in my portfolio. So I made one!. I always loved drawing elephants, they have to best skin to recreate, such beautiful creatures.

Redid my 1st AP art project- Pen mark making

To be honest, when my teacher first gave me this assignment, I didn't know it was an actual assignment-since it was our first week in the class-I thought she was just giving us AP kids something to do before she gave us our"real" assignments. But now understanding the said assignment-I actually decided to redo it. Everything here is done in pen, which particualary made me crindge since if a mistake is made....its made....-nothing you can do about it but go with the flow. However, when finished with this assignment I actually did enjoy this markmaking project, it's diffrent for me, it's a change.