Friday, March 23, 2012

Made it!

Whew!, I made the deadline! I don't know how I did it, but I made it. And they don't look so shabby either-if I do say so myself. I painted my friends Cherie, Lea and Alex. They do need touch ups now that I see them, but I finished the next 3 that are due today (will post them shortly).
For the next four, I will try and avoid this stressful situation by trying to complete as many as I can during my break. I have four due next and I plan on having a head start on all of them.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

AP sign up

Last week we met up with Rowsam; Alex and I had signed up online and now have our accounts on the AP drawing website. However, so far Rowsam only took photos of my artwork, minus 3 of my concentrations. Hopefully, that means I'm ahead in that aspect.
But, unfortunately, I'm a week behind on my current concentrations given the week the CSAP (or whatever they renamed it) took from us. However, I'll still try to meet the deadline this coming Friday; yet I don't want to rush them. I think I have a dilemma on my hands, both Alex and I. But I don't want to ask for an extension, it was partly my fault I'm behind-partly school.
First time I'm behind on my AP art schedule-- don't like it one bit!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Artist block

I don't know if it's because its almost the end of the year or because I'm starting to get tired of creating the same thing, over and over again- but my portraits have been slowly losing improvement. As I'm starting my next three-the pre-sketch for starters are very off and are becoming less symmetrical.
Which makes my whole portrait off as well. So, I hope that this is just a stage and I get out of it real quick, otherwise I'm gonna get behind. (or maybe its just my perfectionist quirk-hopefully).
But, looking at my first couple of portraits compared to my newer ones, I think their becoming worse. I don't know how to change that.......

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Josh's portrait

I tried to add more to the shirts this time and it was a bit difficult. But it ended up better than I predicted- I was totally on my own with the shirt too, next time I'll have to look at other portraits to help me with the clothing.
I think his skin tone turned out pretty well, I mean it definitely still needs work, but with his eyes squinting and his face tilted, it was hard enough just getting the proportions correct. It didn't end-up like I wanted but it turned out decent. Need help in order to get better.

Jordan's Portrait_disaster

No one likes this one. Everyone had told me this one is my worst portraits so far. It was not bad at the beginning, but everyone kept telling me to fix the face and make her slimmer, it was all over the place and now I wish I hadn't listen to them- it doesnt look like Jordan anymore. I think I might end up just not submitting this one.

*side note* I need people who know how to help me with the proportions from my class, or those who would know how changing one thing will effect the entire face. Because right now, I don't have much help or have no one who wants to help me. I'm in an artist-block right now-don't know how to go from here.

Amanda's portrait

I finished Amanda's portrait about 3 weeks ago and have slowly been adding more detail as time went on. She is a little off, but considering I've never painted a person smiling before I think her's came out pretty good. Amanda thinks so too!