Monday, February 13, 2012

Maybe I should change my painting process

Maybe if I paint in this process, I can acheive the realistic look I'm striving for. However, I think the colors are going to be the tricky part, I will definately need to blend better, but I have no idea how to do this, and can not even get the colors that are in this painting AT ALL. I don't know HOW this person did the colors, but I defiately need to try to imitate it, otherwise my portraits will never improve! HEEEEELLLPPPP!!!

1 comment:

  1. Trisha, the method this artist used is called modelling. He used short brush stroes that form a croo-contour around the face and he reallypaidattention to value. Since your concentration is supposed to look somewhat flat like photographs make people look, I think you are doing fine. If you want to explore modeling more try these sites:;_ylt=A0S00MlCE01P1A0AbvX7w8QF?p=how+to+paint+portraits&fr=yfp-t-701&fr2=piv-web&tnr=21&b=85
